How to access someone's WebCam using Phishing method
In this tutorial we'll be learning, how to access someone's WebCam using Phishing method.
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For this demonstration i will use a phishing tool named SayCheese. To install this tool, 1. Open your terminal . 2. Type: git clone
3. Type cd saycheese , then type ls . you will see some options like this
4. Type: bash, now our tool will be start. When our tool starts, we'll get two options i) ii) ngrok (recommended)
5. Select option 2 ngrok.
6. Send this link to victim, when victim will click on the link you will get complete access to victims WebCam. you can send this link via email and message also.
(note: don't use it to harm someone. we respect others privacy.)
And that's it! you can watch received images from your saycheese directory.
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